MusXchange 2018-20: EFNYO’s programme fostering transnational mobility, strengthening of skills and audience building for pre-professional musicians in Europe
Hlavný organizátor: European Federation of National Youth Orchestras, AT
Partneri: Abbaye aux Dames – La cité musicale (FR), Asociația Muzical-Corală (MD), Centrul Naţional de Artă Tinerimea Română (RO), Deutscher Musikrat Projekt, Bundesjugendorchester (DE), Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Onlus (IT), Hudobné centrum (SK), Idryma Symfoniki Orchistra Kyprou (CY), Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (ES), L’Orchestre Français des Jeunes (FR), Stichting NJO (NL), The National Youth Orchestras of Scotland (UK), Wiener Jeunesse Orchester (AT)
Výška grantu: 200.000,- EUR
MusXchange – A transnational mobility programme for a new generation of European musicians
EFNYO strongly believes in the added value of short-term mobility projects in professional music training. Following its beginnings in 1996, the musicians’ mobility programme of EFNYO has seen the exchange of more than 850 participants, and has developed into an indispensable instrument for the professionalization of young musicians in Europe.
The programme MusXchange, which was launched as a pilot project in 2009 with co-finance from the EU Commission and EU Parliament, is based on 20 years of experience of EFNYO members. It was continued and expanded in a second cycle (2012-14) and current third cycle (2015-17). Currently EFYNO is preparing an application under the EU Creative Europe Programme for a fourth cycle (2018-20).
Recognising the special characteristics of education and performance in music, the programme gives young pre-professional musicians opportunities to gain orchestral practice in partner orchestras abroad, discover new repertoire, different performance styles and orchestra traditions, and meet conductors, teachers, and young artists in a different cultural environment. The experiences of participating in orchestra/ensemble projects of durations between 10 days to 6 weeks, widely contribute to musicians‘ competitiveness, diversification of social, language and intercultural skills, and performance practices for their future professional careers.