Prednášky, workshopy, showcase, súťaže, Job Fair
Vývojári, študenti, nadšenci, herné štúdiá
Objavte najnovšie inovácie vývoja nezávislých hier na prezentácii. Spojte sa s odborníkmi z odvetvia prostredníctvom informatívnych prednášok a workshopov. Súťažte vo vzrušujúcich súťažiach a spojte sa s najlepšími zamestnávateľmi na Job Fair. Zúčastnite sa a zažite nezabudnuteľný zážitok z konferencie!
Súčasťou programu je aj prezentácia možností získania podpory z Creative Europe MEDIA, koná sa 7. 12. o 12.00.

Podujatie sa koná v anglickom jazyku a prináša tieto témy:

Learn game design principles and insights from industry experts. Topics include mechanics, aesthetics, and narrative, along with emerging trends and technologies. Gain valuable insights for creating engaging gaming experiences.

Explore the ins and outs of game production with industry experts in our segment. Discover tips and strategies on project planning, team management, and quality assurance to ensure your game’s success.

Job Fair
Connect with top employers in the game development industry at our Job Fair. Discover exciting job opportunities and network with industry professionals to advance your career. Don’t miss this chance to make valuable connections and take your career to the next level.

Workshops & more
Unleash your creativity at our art activities segment. Join other attendees in hands-on workshops led by talented artists in the game development industry. Explore a variety of art styles and techniques, and learn how to apply them in your own game development projects. Get inspired and discover new ways to express yourself through art.

Indie Showcase
Discover the latest indie game development innovations and talent at our showcase. Experience the creativity and passion of talented indie developers as they present their projects. Explore a variety of game genres and styles, and get a glimpse into the future of indie games. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to connect with the indie game development community.

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