Názov projektu: Towards 2020: Skilling Musicians & Engaging Audiences
Hlavný organizátor: International Youth Foundation / European Union Youth Orchestra (FR)
Centre for Fine Arts of Brussels (BE)
Culture Action Europe (BE)
Fondazione Concorso Pianistico Internazionale Feruccio Busoni (IT)
Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsgesellschaft M.B.H (AT)
Hudobné Centrum (Music Centre Slovakia) (SK)
Idryma Symfoniki Orchistra Kyprou (CY)
John Good Limited (UK)
Thessaloniki Concert Hall (EL)
This initiative is to build a platform designed to engage, educate and eventually employ the very best young musicians from twenty-eight EU states; the next generation of orchestral talent. The aim is to create an innovative training prototype, performance programme, digital platform & audience model, all structured to deliver cultural development, career opportunities and audience development strategies transferable to other cultural and creative sectors.
výška grantu: 1.916.000,00 €